Tooru FURUYA (Persona)



Una pequeña descripción de Persona «Tooru FURUYA», ayudaría a muchos fans de Anime y Manga. ¿Sabes de qué Persona se trata? Entonces apoya a aniSearch y añade una pequeña descripción sobre «Tooru FURUYA» por nuestra máscara de entrada. ¡Así apoyas a nuestra comunidad!
Tooru Furuya is a Japanese actor, voice actor, and narrator.

He's currently working for Aoni Production.

Voice Actor in the Following Video Games:

Amuro Ray - "Another Century's Episode"-Video Game Series
Amuro Ray - "Mobile Suit Gundam"-Video Game Series
Amuro Ray - "Mobile Suit Gundam: Gundam vs. Gundam"
Amuro Ray - "Super Robot Wars"-Video Game Series
Hiroshi Shiba - "Super Robot Wars"-Video Game Series
Jin Saotome - "Cyberbots: Full Metal Madness"
Mario - "BS Super Mario Collection"
Mario - "BS Super Mario USA Power Challenge"
Mario - "Excitebike: Bun Bun Mario Battle Stadium"
Narration - "Sega Rally 2"
Ryūgentoku - "Kessen II"
Suihi - "Dragon Shadow Spell"
Vehicle Commentary Narration - "Overdrivin' DX"
Yūichi Amano - "Menkyo wo Torō!"-Video Game Series

Voice Actor in the Following Films:

Mata Nui - "Bionicle: The Legend Reborn" (2009)
Jen - "The Dark Crystal" (1982)

Voice Actor in the Following TV Series:

Superman - "Superman: The Animated Series" (1996-2000)
Scarecrow - "Batman: The Animated Series" (1992-1995)
City of Truro - "Thomas and Friends" (1984-)
Tooru Furuya ist ein japanischer Synchronsprecher, Schauspieler und Erzähler.

Zurzeit steht er bei der Talentagentur Aoni Production unter Vertrag.

Er ist seit 1985 mit der ehemaligen Synchronsprecherin Satomi Majima verheiratet.

Synchronstimme in folgenden Videospielen:

Amuro Ray - "Another Century's Episode"-Videospielserie
Amuro Ray - "Mobile Suit Gundam"-Videospielserie
Amuro Ray - "Mobile Suit Gundam: Gundam vs. Gundam"
Amuro Ray - "Super Robot Wars"-Videospielserie
Hiroshi Shiba - "Super Robot Wars"-Videospielserie
Jin Saotome - "Cyberbots: Full Metal Madness"
Mario - "BS Super Mario Collection"
Mario - "BS Super Mario USA Power Challenge"
Mario - "Excitebike: Bun Bun Mario Battle Stadium"
Narration - "Sega Rally 2"
Ryūgentoku - "Kessen II"
Suihi - "Dragon Shadow Spell"
Vehicle Commentary Narration - "Overdrivin' DX"
Yūichi Amano - "Menkyo wo Torō!"-Videospielserie

Synchronstimme in folgenden Filmen:

Mata Nui - "Bionicle: The Legend Reborn" (2009)
Jen - "The Dark Crystal" (1982)

Synchronstimme in folgenden Serien:

Superman - "Superman: The Animated Series" (1996-2000)
Scarecrow - "Batman: The Animated Series" (1992-1995)
City of Truro - "Thomas and Friends" (1984-)

Papel de voz



Nombre artístico

  • Tooru FURUYA
    Idioma original: 古谷 徹
    Lectura: ふるや とおる
  • Noboru SOUGETSU
    Idioma original: 蒼月 昇
    Lectura: そうげつ のぼる
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