Gakuen Mokushiroku: Highschool of the Head (2010)



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  • Takashi KOMURO
    Takashi KOMURO

    en The day the end began, I killed my best friend and hugged the girl I love for the first time.

    Anime: High School of the Dead [Episodio 1]

    en Girls are complex, aren’t they?

  • Saeko BUSUJIMA
    Saeko BUSUJIMA

    en Protecting a man’s pride… is a woman’s duty.

  • Saya TAKAGI
    Saya TAKAGI

    en I hate stupid people. I especially hate the ones who aren’t aware of their own stupidity.

  • Kouta HIRANO
    Kouta HIRANO

    en Humans don’t see what they don’t want to see. No one wants to be put down. That’s why people do nothing even when they do know something is happening.

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