Spice & Wolf (2006)

Ookami to Koushinryou / 狼と香辛料


  • Manga: Spice & Wolf
    © 2006 Juu Ayakura, ASCII Media Works
    • Japonés Ookami to Koushinryou
      Ōkami to Kōshinryō
      Tipo: Novela gráfica
      Estado: Completado
      Publicado: 10.02.2006 ‑ 10.07.2011
      Tomos / Capítulos: 17 / 102
      Editorial: MediaWorks Inc.
      Mangaka: Isuna HASEKURA Autor Juu AYAKURA Ilustrador
      Adaptado de: Obra única
    • Inglés Spice & Wolf
      Estado: Completado
      Publicado: 15.12.2009 ‑ 19.04.2016
      Tomos / Capítulos: 17 / 102
      Editorial: Yen Press, LLC
    • Francés Spice & Wolf
      Estado: Completado
      Publicado: 12.03.2015 ‑ 17.06.2021
      Tomos / Capítulos: 8 / ?
      Editorial: Ofelbe
    • Sinónimos: Spice and Wolf


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The wandering merchant Kraft Lawrence lives by selling his goods in new towns. One day, he comes to the town of Pasroe, where a harvest festival is currently taking place. The inhabitants celebrate this festival every year to thank the harvest goddess Holo. However, on this fateful night, Lawrence finds a girl with wolf ears in his wagon, who later turns out to be the same wolf goddess – Horo. She wants to join Lawrence in order to get back to her old home, though he doesn’t seem too keen on the idea …
Lawrence Kraft ist ein umherziehender Händler, der davon lebt, seine Waren in immer neuen Städten zu verkaufen. Eines Tages kommt er mal wieder in die Stadt Pasroe, wo zurzeit ein Erntefest stattfindet. Die Einwohner feiern dieses Fest jedes Jahr, um der Erntegöttin Holo zu danken. Doch in dieser Nacht findet Lawrence in seinem Wagen ein Mädchen mit Wolfsohren, das sich später als eben jene Wolfsgöttin Holo entpuppt. Sie will sich Lawrence anschließen, um zurück in ihre alte Heimat zu gelangen, doch der scheint von dieser Idee nicht sonderlich begeistert zu sein …
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  • Horo

    I have no fear of watching you grow old while I remain young. I’ll even watch you on your death bed. I am no stranger to death. But your heart is like that of an innocent child. It has always accepted everything about me, without hesitation. Because of that, I am very afraid.

  • Horo

    Men are onions. Many layers and all of them make you cry.

  • Horo

    Even when wolf packs are having a violent war over territory, the forest looks as calm as it always does from a distance.

  • Horo

    Pain makes one wise!

  • Horo

    Stop pouting! You learned something valuable. Remember the lesson, not the disappointment.




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