Hellsing: The Dawn (2001)

ヘルシング外伝 THE DAWN


  • Manga: Hellsing: The Dawn
    • Japonés Hellsing: The Dawn
      ヘルシング外伝 THE DAWN
      Tipo: Manga
      Estado: Cancelado
      Publicado: 2001 ‑ 15.02.2006
      Tomos / Capítulos: ? / 6
      Mangaka: Kouta HIRANO Autor & Ilustrador
      Adaptado de: Obra única
      Página web: shonengahosha.co.jp
    • Alemán Licenciado, pero nunca publicado
      Estado: Cancelado
      Publicado: ?
      Tomos / Capítulos: ? / ?


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Hellsing, an organization devoted to the elimination of the vampire threat, has recently uncovered information regarding the attempted production of "man-made undead." The world is presently in the thick of WWII, and the current leader of Hellsing fears the Nazis could potentially use these creatures as front-line super-soldiers. Although the technology of creating artificial vampires is still in its infancy, it has advanced enough to be a serious threat. In an attempt to put a stop to this perverse and dangerous experimentation, Hellsing has sent two of its most skilled agents to Poland. A young man by the name of Walter C. Dornes - a.k.a. "The Angel of Death," and Alucard, an ancient vampire currently in forced service to the Hellsing Organization. Together, they attempt to stop the progress of the Nazi’s efforts.
Source: ANN
Hellsing: The Dawn erzählt die Vorgeschichte des weltberühmten Manga von Kouta Hirano. Im September 1944 wird der damals noch 14-jährige Walter C. Dornez zusammen mit Alucard, der hier in Gestalt eines kleinen Mädchens auftritt, auf eine Spezialmission geschickt, um das Forschungslabor von Millenium in der Nähe von Warschau zu zerstören. Dort forschen deutsche Wissenschaftler an der künstlichen Erschaffung von Vampiren mit Hilfe paranomaler Methoden, um die bevorstehende Niederlage noch abzuwenden. Hier treffen Walter und Alucard auch das erste Mal auf den Major und seine Gefolgsleute.
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  • Major

    I love holocausts. I love blitzkriegs. I love defensive lines. I love sieges. Charges. I love mop-up operations and retreats.
    Wars across prairies, in streets, in trenches, in grasslands, in frozen tundras, through deserts, on the sea, in the air. I love every act of war that can occur upon this earth!

  • Alucard NOSFERATU

    Don’t mistake my patience for cowardice.

  • Alucard NOSFERATU

    The Bird of Hermes is my name. Eating my wings to make me tame.

  • Alucard NOSFERATU

    It’s a nice night to grab a bite to drink.




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