Kanshikan Tsunemori Akane (2012)

監視官 常守朱


  • Manga: Kanshikan Tsunemori Akane
    © 2012 Hikaru Miyoshi & Gen Urobuchi, Shuueisha Inc.
    • Japonés Kanshikan Tsunemori Akane
      監視官 常守朱
      Tipo: Manga
      Estado: Completado
      Publicado: 02.11.2012 ‑ 04.10.2014
      Tomos / Capítulos: 6 / 27
      Editorial: Shuueisha Inc.
      Mangaka: Gen UROBUCHI Autor Hikaru MIYOSHI Ilustrador
      Adaptado de: Anime
    • Alemán Inspector Akane Tsunemori
      Estado: Completado
      Publicado: 05.10.2017 ‑ 02.08.2018
      Tomos / Capítulos: 6 / 27
    • Francés Psycho-Pass: Inspecteur Akane Tsunemori
      Estado: Corriente
      Publicado: 08.09.2017 ‑ ?
      Tomos / Capítulos: 4+ / ?
      Editorial: Kana
    • Sinónimos: Monitoring Officer Akane Tsunemori, Psycho-Pass


Un breve resumen de Manga «Kanshikan Tsunemori Akane» ayudaría a muchos fans del Anime y Manga. ¿Ya conoces este Manga? Entonces apoya a aniSearch y añade una descripción del contenido del Mangas «Kanshikan Tsunemori Akane» por nuestra a través de nuestra máscara de entrada. ¡Con esto ayudas a toda la comunidad de Anime y Manga!
The Sibyl system is an intelligent system in the future that records people’s potential for violence and issues a danger assessment in the form of a so-called “Psycho Pass”. Through automatic controls in public spaces, the mental state of each person is analysed and output in a number. If this value exceeds a certain limit, it is increasingly likely that the person is mentally unstable and will commit violence. The higher the number, the more serious the expected harm to fellow human beings.

This is why people with a high Psycho Pass score are also classified as “latent criminals”. If one of them appears on the scene, the Criminal Investigation Department intervenes. The “inspectors” of this institution move out together with the “enforcers”, who are themselves latent criminals and offer their services to the general public under strict supervision. Their task is to either capture or eliminate the target on the spot. Akane Tsunemori starts at this very office as an inspector after graduating from school and blindly trusts the Sibyl system. However, her faith is shaken by the recent murders …
Das Sibyl-System ist ein intelligentes System in der Zukunft, das das Gewaltpotential von Menschen erfasst und eine Gefahreneinschätzung in Form eines sogenannten „Psycho Pass“ ausgibt. Durch automatische Kontrollen im öffentlichen Raum wird die mentale Verfassung jeder Person analysiert und in einer Zahl ausgegeben. Wenn dieser Wert ein bestimmtes Limit überschreitet, ist es zunehmend wahrscheinlich, dass die Person psychisch instabil ist und Gewalt ausüben wird. Je höher die Ziffer, desto gravierender ist der zu erwartende Schaden an Mitmenschen.

Daher werden Personen mit einem hohen Psycho-Pass-Wert auch als „latente Verbrecher“ eingestuft. Taucht einer von ihnen auf der Bildfläche auf, schreitet das Amt für öffentliche Sicherheit ein. Die „Inspectors“ dieser Institution rücken gemeinsam mit den „Vollstreckern“ aus, die wiederum selbst latente Verbrecher sind und ihre Dienste der Allgemeinheit unter strenger Aufsicht zur Verfügung stellen. Ihre Aufgabe ist es das Zielobjekt vor Ort entweder einzufangen oder zu eliminieren. Akane Tsunemori fängt nach ihrem Schulabschluss genau bei diesem Amt als Inspector an und vertraut blind dem Sibyl-System. Ihr Glaube gerät durch die jüngsten Mordfälle allerdings ins Wanken …
Testo della bandella:
Una civiltà dominata da cibi artificiali e proiezioni olografiche. Un mondo in cui viene misurata la predisposizione al crimine dell’animo umano e dove ciascun individuo è controllato e schedato. Qual è il prezzo di tutto questo? Akane dovrà scoprirlo!
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    The Law doesn’t protect people. People protect the law. People have always detested evil and sought out a righteous way of living. Their feelings… The accumulation of those people’s feelings are the law. They’re neither the provisions nor the system. They are the fragile and irreplaceable feelings that everyone carries in their hearts Compared to the power of anger and hatred, they are something that can quite easily break down. People have prayed for a better world throughout time. In order for those prayers to continue to hold meaning, we have to try our best to protect it to the very end. We just can’t give up on it.

  • Shin'ya KOUGAMI

    I’m sorry. I couldn’t keep my promise. I wanted to go into a line of work where I could protect people.That’s why I became a detective. But Makishima changed everything. That man will continue to kill people. And yet, the law can’t judge him. As long as I’m a detective, I can’t touch him. This case made me aware… that the law can’t protect people.

  • Shougo MAKISHIMA

    I love this game that people call “life” from the bottom of my heart.

  • Shougo MAKISHIMA

    I want to see the splendor of people’s souls. I want to check and see if it really is precious. However, when humans base their lives around Sybil’s Oracle, without ever consulting their own wills, do they really hold any value?

  • Shougo MAKISHIMA

    The time when our connections to others was the basis of ourselves is long gone.




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