PS3 System Games Issue

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Inglés PS3 System Games Issue

Avatar: TheodoreCreador de tema#1

I seem to be having no luck in getting ANY of the PS3 games on the FTP to run, each has their own issue. I have setup FileServer okay and I can see the games and start them, they just have different errors. For Example MotoGP gives me a "request invalid" and FF13 just spits out a random error. I have configured my DECR 1000a correctly afaik as I'm able to debug SDK samples and run GRID autosport dev build. Currently OFW 4.50 - Any ideas?

Please help.

I didn't find the right solution from the Internet.


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Avatar: conaly
Sorry, we will not provide help to run any cracked or homebrewed software, this would violate Sony's terms of use and is therefore illegal. Do not ask any similar questions here.

Thread is closed.
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