Tenjo Tenge - Vol. 03: Omnibus Edition (Vol.05+06)

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  • Tenjo Tenge - Vol. 03: Omnibus Edition (Vol.05+06)
    • en Tenjo Tenge - Vol. 03: Omnibus Edition (Vol.05+06)
      Tipo: Manga
      Publicado: 3. Nov 2011
      Recomendación de edad: 0
      Medio: Libro
      Contenido: Antología
      Length: 14.6 cm
      Width: 2.8 cm
      Height: 21.0 cm
      Weight: 0.5 kg
      Pages: 440
      Languages: English
      Author: oh!great
      Studio: Viz LLC
      Publisher: Viz LLC
      Label: Viz LLC
      Manufacturer: Viz LLC
      EAN: 9781421540108
      ISBN: 142154010X
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Mitsuomi and Maya are now rivals, but once they were close friends. Their lives were changed forever because of one person: Shin Natsume, Maya’s older brother and Mitsuomi’s mentor. Inheritor of the Dragon Eyes and leader of the Supreme Warrior Faction, the charismatic Shin also bears dark and terrible secrets. Struggling under the burden of the immense power he possesses, and manipulated by those who seek to use that power, Shin begins to lose control. Maya and Mitsuomi each have their own ideas for how to deal with his increasingly erratic behavior, but it’s up to Bunshichi to really beat some sense into him!



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