Sayonara, Zetsubou-Sensei: The Power of Negative Thinking - Vol. 10

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  • Sayonara, Zetsubou-Sensei: The Power of Negative Thinking - Vol. 10
    • en Sayonara, Zetsubou-Sensei: The Power of Negative Thinking - Vol. 10
      Tipo: Manga
      Publicado: 16. Ago 2011
      Recomendación de edad: 0
      Medio: Libro
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Zetsubou-sensei and the students go on several unusual class trips, including an archaeological expedition, the Museum of Unnatural History, and Daisan Sentaku City– the city of the inexplicable third alternative. You know, like, when you're trying to decide whether to get a puppy or a kitten... and you end up with a crocodile? The students also practice selling themselves (legally), getting over their self-entitlement, the art of "soft landings"– a.k.a. breaking bad news gently.



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