Junjou Romantica (2012)

純情ロマンチカ (2012)


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  • Misaki TAKAHASHI
    Misaki TAKAHASHI

    en I’m so happy I think I might die.

  • Misaki TAKAHASHI
    Misaki TAKAHASHI

    en It pisses me off… Like a knife, he violates me even through my ears.

  • Misaki TAKAHASHI
    Misaki TAKAHASHI

    en He is so twisted that if he sees someone wandering around lost, he’s the kind of guy who will screw and toy around with the poor soul before he even bothers to help… IF he even bothers to help!

  • Misaki TAKAHASHI
    Misaki TAKAHASHI

    en The pain… the pleasure… and the shame all drive me crazy.

  • Misaki TAKAHASHI
    Misaki TAKAHASHI

    en No, pause! I just went into totally stupid girly virgin mode!!

  • Akihiko USAMI
    Akihiko USAMI

    en To everything that comes near you, I am jealous.

  • Akihiko USAMI
    Akihiko USAMI

    en I have a lot of different words desperately trying to get my message across. However, you, were able to pass on what you wanted to say with just a few of them.

  • Akihiko USAMI
    Akihiko USAMI

    en I am not a person who only wants to receive things from him, I want to be the person who can give things to him.

  • Akihiko USAMI
    Akihiko USAMI

    en When you love someone, I think it’s only natural to worry about what they love.

  • Akihiko USAMI
    Akihiko USAMI

    en When you fight hard and fail, the regret is easier to get past than the regret of not trying.

  • Akihiko USAMI
    Akihiko USAMI

    en To be able to stay beside a beloved one is the special privilege of a friend.

  • Akihiko USAMI
    Akihiko USAMI

    en The moment you challenged me, you had already lost.

  • Akihiko USAMI
    Akihiko USAMI

    en Even if you hate it or whatever, I’ll never let go of you. If you run away, I’ll probably come after you and lock you up.

  • Shinobu TAKATSUKI
    Shinobu TAKATSUKI

    en To be loved out of sympathy is more devastating than to be rejected.

  • You MIYAGI
    You MIYAGI

    en Why is it that I’m anxious when I love him? No. I love him, that’s why I’m anxious. It’s because I love you that even if I take off the armor I’ve worn all my life, I’ll still chase after you.

  • You MIYAGI
    You MIYAGI

    en I wonder… isn’t it that when you become an adult, you have freedom to explore such a large world. I wonder why is it I feel that the world is so constricted at this moment.

  • Hiroki KAMIJOU
    Hiroki KAMIJOU

    en Is there a limit to how much you can love somebody? No matter how much I hurt him or get hurt by him, I find myself far from hating him, actually hoping that those wounds will scar, like burns…because then you can never forget me.

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