Medaka Box: Abnormal (2012)

Medaka Box Abnormal / めだかボックス アブノ ーマル



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After Medaka Kurokami defeated Myouri Unzen (the head of the disciplinary committee), she is recruited by the headmaster to join the "13 Party" - an elite and select group of 13 Abnormal students from Class 13. Medaka discovers that they are taking part in the Flask Plan, which aims to create perfect humans by sacrificing all the students in the school. It is up to Medaka and the rest of the student council to stop it.
Source: ANN
Die Schüler der Hakoniwa Academy teilen sich in drei Kategorien auf: »Normal«, »Special« und »Abnormal«. Mit ihrer übermenschlichen Kraft und ihrem unglaublichen schulischen und sportlichen Talent gehört Medaka natürlich zur letzten Gruppe. Daher hat auch der Schulleiter ein Auge auf die Präsidentin des Schülerrates geworfen und möchte sie für seine geheimen Pläne nutzen. Zusammen mit ihrem Kindheitsfreund Zenkichi und den anderen Mitgliedern des Schülerrats muss sich Medaka neuen Gegnern stellen, die den Frieden an der Schule bedrohen und dabei auch nicht vor Gewalt und Zerstörung zurückschrecken.
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Imagénes (60 Screenshots)



  • Medaka KUROKAMI

    Every time I see people, I know people. I grew to admire people. I love people. As long as this feeling stays within me, instead of stating how the world goes, I want to question how the world goes.

  • Medaka KUROKAMI

    Before I can be happy, I wish to be free. I am so happy, because, for the first time, I can fight for myself.

  • Medaka KUROKAMI

    … I’ve just had my birthday. I am now sixteen years old. It has been decided that when I am twenty years old, I will succeed as the president of the Kurokami Group. That means I have only four years left. When that time comes, I will probably be a different person from now. So for a little longer, please let me be myself. I really enjoy this very much, this so-called springtime of youth.

  • Medaka KUROKAMI

    Those who win are not strong. It is those who lose and crawl back up who are strong!

  • Medaka KUROKAMI

    There was no reason for me to get attacked by you. And therefore, there was no reason to dodge.




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