Kami nomi zo Shiru Sekai (2010)

神のみぞ知るセカイ The World God Only Knows



Katsuragi Keima es conocido en línea por poder conquistar el corazón de todas las chicas. Sin embargo, este solamente es el caso en los dating sims, dado que en la vida real solo es conocido como «Otamegane» y es todo menos querido por el sexo opuesto, lo cual es un sentimiento mutuo. Sin embargo, un día se le acerca Elsee, un demonio femenino infernal, y le pide ayuda para capturar a unos espíritus que han escapado del infierno. Si Keima no logra atrapar a todos los fantasmas, perderá su cabeza. Al parecer, los espíritus están escondidos en los corazones de algunas chicas y solo salen si ellas se enamoran.
Katsuragi Keima is known on the internet for being able to steal every girl’s heart. But only in dating sims, because in reality, he is known as “Otamegane” and is far from interested in girls, just as little as they are interested in him. But one day, Elsee, a female devil from hell, comes to him and demands that he help her capture spirits that have escaped from hell. If Keima fails to catch all of them, he would lose his head. Apparently, these ghosts hide in girls’ hearts and only come out when the girl falls in love.
Katsuragi Keima ist im Internet dafür bekannt, die Herzen wirklich aller Mädchen erobern zu können. Allerdings gilt das nur für Dating Sims, denn in der Realität kennt man ihn nur unter dem Namen »Otamegane« und er ist dem weiblichen Geschlecht alles andere als zugetan, was auf Gegenseitigkeit beruht. Doch eines Tages tritt Elsee, eine weiblicher Teufel aus der Hölle, an ihn heran und verlangt, dass er ihr dabei hilft, Geister einzufangen, die aus der Hölle geflüchtet sind. Wenn Keima es nicht schafft, alle Geister einzufangen, verliert er seinen Kopf. Anscheinend verstecken sich die Geister in den Herzen von Mädchen und sie kommen nur dann heraus, wenn sich die Mädchen verlieben.
Katsuragi Keima est connu sur Internet pour sa capacité à conquérir le cœur de toutes les filles. Mais cela ne s’applique qu’aux simulations de rencontre, car dans la réalité, il n’est connu que sous le nom « d’Otamegane ». Et il est tout sauf intéressé par la gent féminine, ce qui est réciproque. Mais un jour, Elsee, une démone de l’enfer, l’approche et exige qu’il l’aide à capturer les esprits qui se sont échappés de l’enfer. Si Keima ne parvient pas à capturer tous les fantômes, il perd sa tête. Les fantômes se cachent apparemment dans le cœur des filles et ne sortent que lorsque celles-ci tombent amoureuses.
Katsuragi Keima è conosciuto in internet per essere in grado di conquistare il cuore di tutte le ragazze. Questo però, vale solo per i Dating Sims. Nella realtà è conosciuto solo sotto il nome di «Otamegane» e non è molto interessato all’altro sesso, cosa reciprocata. Un giorno lo contatta Elsie, un diavolo femminile dall’inferno, che pretende da lui l’aiuto di catturare spiriti che sono scappati dall’inferno. Se Keima non riesce a catturare tutti gli spiriti, perderà la sua testa. A quanto pare gli spiriti si nascondono nei cuori delle ragazze ed escono solo se la suddetta ragazza s’innamora.
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    In a world like that, there’d be no need for love anymore either. If everyone were perfect, there would be no need to look out for others. Sympathy or love is needed because people are imperfect. A perfect human cannot love anyone.


    I believe that the ideal world lies somewhere, but that world may not necessarily be a perfect world. Are flaws really bad? Because they are not perfect they become worried… they don’t stand still and instead move forward. After they become perfect, they will stand still. Incompleteness is the ideal.


    If the ideal world can be found in a bad game, it can be found in the real world as well.


    True, I’ve given up on the real world, however I haven’t given up on myself. The world doesn’t get to decide whether my life is boring, fun, or ordinary coz that’s my decision to make. As long as I have the will nothing is impossible!


    Don’t be upset because of what you can’t do. Do what you do best, live as carefree and optimistically as you can, because some people aren’t able to do that.




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