Toradora! (2008)




Un breve resumen de Anime «Toradora!» ayudaría a muchos fans del Anime y Manga. ¿Ya conoces este Anime? Entonces apoya a aniSearch y añade una descripción del contenido del Animes «Toradora!» por nuestra a través de nuestra máscara de entrada. ¡Con esto ayudas a toda la comunidad de Anime y Manga!
Ryuuji Takasu is just a regular high school student – or he would be, if it weren’t for his father, whose eyes he inherited and make everyone’s blood run cold. So he has to accept that most people think him to be a bully and that he has very few friends despite his easy-going nature.

But that’s not his only problem, because just in time for the new school year, he meets the only person at school who is more feared than him: Taiga Aisaka, also known as Palmtop Tiger. It doesn’t take long for them to find out that they are secretly in love with each other’s buddy. And so they form a sort of alliance of convenience so they can get each other together with them.
Ryuuji Takasu ist eigentlich ein ganz normaler Highschool-Schüler ‒ wäre da nicht sein Vater, der ihm Augen vererbt hat, die jedem das Blut in den Adern gefrieren lassen. So muss er sich damit abfinden, dass ihn die meisten für einen üblen Schläger halten und er trotz seines umgänglichen Charakters kaum Freunde hat.

Doch das soll nicht sein einziges Problem bleiben, denn pünktlich zu Beginn des neuen Schuljahres trifft er auf die einzige Person der Schule, die noch mehr gefürchtet wird als er, nämlich Taiga Aisaka, auch bekannt als Palmtop Tiger. Es dauert nicht lange, bis die beiden herausfinden, dass sie jeweils den Freund des anderen heimlich lieben ‒ und so schließen sie eine Art Zweckbündnis, um einander zu verkuppeln.
Testo dell’editore italiano Dynit:
Ryuji è un ragazzo tranquillo, timido e ossessionato dalla pulizia della casa. Ma a causa del suo aspetto piuttosto inquietante è sempre stato considerato un teppista. Il primo di giorno di scuola nel nuovo liceo si incontra/scontra con una strana ragazza di nome Taiga: nonostante sia piccolina e carina, Taiga ha un carattere estremamente irascibile e nessuno può fermarla una volta che inizia a tirare pugni. Per questo viene chiamata la Tigre-Palmare!
Tuttavia, Ryuji scopre un segreto di Taiga che nessun altro sa….
La Tigre e il Drago uniscono così le forze per risolvere importanti questioni di… cuore.
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Imagénes (59 Screenshots)



  • Taiga AISAKA

    The thing you wished for the most, is something you’ll never get.

  • Taiga AISAKA

    A dog’s happiness is measured by how useful he is to his master.

  • Taiga AISAKA

    Well, I’d better get back to my seat. The unmarried woman with her unmarried face is about to come to start the unmarried homeroom.

  • Taiga AISAKA

    I dreamed that you were a dog. And the dog was my husband. Anyway, it was the worst dream ever.

  • Taiga AISAKA

    Entire civilizations were built and destroyed between now and the last time you said "we’ll go soon"! I’ll have rotted and turned to ash by the time this "soon" of yours comes!!




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