Clannad (2007)




Clannad se desarrolla en el bachillerato de una ciudad japonesa sin nombre. Tomoya Okazaki está en su tercer año ahí y no se toma las clases muy en serio. Siempre llega tarde y sus compañeros, muy ocupados preparándose para sus exámenes de acceso a la universidad, lo consideran un alborotador. Por esta razón, tiene pocos amigos allí.

Sin embargo, esto parece importarle poco a Tomoya, hasta que un día conoce a una chica, Nagisa Furukawa, quien tampoco tiene amigos, ya que todos a los que conocía han abandonado la institución. Al principio, ella le parece muy torpe y lenta, pero no consigue separarse de ella y así, mientras la ayuda, conoce a cada vez más chicas del colegio. Aunque al principio no está muy interesado, su corazón se va abriendo más y más a medida que se van conociendo.
Clannad” takes place in a high school in an unnamed Japanese town. Tomoya Okazaki is in his third year and doesn’t take school very seriously. He is always late and is seen as a troublemaker by his classmates, who are busy preparing for their entrance exams for university. That’s why he hardly has any friends there.

Tomoya seems unfazed by this – until one day, he meets a girl, Nagisa Furukawa, who also has no friends, as everyone she knew has already left school. At first, he thinks she is very clumsy and slow-witted, but he just cannot shake her off and and so, as he helps her, he meets more and more girls from school. Although he isn’t particularly interested in them at first, he opens his heart more and more the better they get to know each other.
»Clannad« spielt in einer Oberschule, in einer nicht namentlich erwähnten japanischen Stadt. Tomoya Okazaki ist im 3. Jahr und nimmt die Schule nicht sehr ernst. Er kommt immer zu spät und wird von seinen Klassenkameraden, die mit den Vorbereitungen für ihre Aufnahmeprüfungen für die Universität beschäftigt sind, als ständiger Störenfried gesehen. Aus diesem Grund hat er auch kaum Freunde dort.

Tomoya scheint das jedoch wenig zu interessieren – bis er eines Tages ein Mädchen, Nagisa Furukawa, trifft, dass ebenfalls keine Freunde hat, da alle, die sie kannte, bereits von der Schule abgegangen sind. Er hält sie zunächst für sehr tollpatschig und schwerfällig, doch er schafft es nicht sich von ihr zu lösen und trifft so, während er ihr hilft, immer mehr Mädchen aus der Schule. Obwohl er sich anfangs wenig für sie interessiert, öffnet er sein Herz immer weiter, je besser sie sich kennen lernen.
Clannad joue dans un lycée, dans une ville japonaise sans nom. Tomoya Okazaki est en 3ème année et ne prend pas l’école très au sérieux. Il est toujours en retard et est considéré comme un éternel perturbateur par ses camarades de classe, qui sont occupés à préparer leurs examens d’entrée à l’université. C’est pourquoi il n’a que peu d’amis.

Tomoya, cependant, ne semble pas s’en soucier, jusqu’au jour où il rencontre une fille, Nagisa Furukawa, qui n’a pas non plus d’amis, car tous ceux qu’elle connaissait ont déjà abandonné l’école. Au début, il la trouve très maladroite et lente d’esprit, mais il ne parvient pas à se détacher d’elle et, en l’aidant, il rencontre de plus en plus de filles. Bien qu’il ne se soucie pas beaucoup d’eux au début, il ouvre son cœur au fur et à mesure qu’ils apprennent à se connaître.
Clannad è ambientato in un liceo di una città giapponese il quale nome non viene nominato. Tomoya Okazaki va al 3° anno e non prende la scuola molto sul serio. Arriva sempre in ritardo ed è considerato dai suoi compagni di classe, i quali si stanno preparando per gli esami di ammissione dell’università, un continuo fastidio. Motivo per il quale non ha amici.

Tomoya non sembra interessarsi molto neanche di questo, però – fino a che non incontra, un giorno, una ragazzina dal nome di Nagisa Furukawa, anche lei senza amici poiché tutti quelli che conosceva hanno già lasciato la scuola. Inizialmente la considera molto maldestra e pesante, ma non riesce a distaccarsi da lei e incontra, mentre le aiuta, sempre più ragazze della scuola. Anche se inizialmente porta poco interesse nei suoi confronti, più la impara a conoscere e più comincia ad aprire il suo cuore.
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Imagénes (60 Screenshots)



  • Tomoya OKAZAKI

    A girl I don’t know…She isn’t talking to me…She’s probably talking to someone in her heart.

  • Tomoya OKAZAKI

    I hate this town. It’s too filled with memories I’d rather forget. I go to school every day, hang out with my friends, and then go home. There’s no place I’d rather not go ever again. I wonder if anything will ever change? Will that day ever come?

  • Tomoya OKAZAKI

    If you feel like crying you shouldn’t hold back your tears. You should let it all out while you still can.. because when you get bigger sometimes you can’t cry even if you have something to cry about.

  • Tomoya OKAZAKI

    Nagisa lost consciousness over and over again; waking up and passing out because of the pain. It was cruel to watch. I wanted to cover my eyes and hide. It stretched on and on with no end in sight. I lost track of time. It felt like an eternity. I was so close to passing out myself. After a while, I felt like my heart couldn’t take it anymore. I felt like I had run out of hope.

  • Tomoya OKAZAKI

    After work was rough on me. It was even worse when I had a day off. I would throw my money away just to kill time. To stay away from home, I was hiding from reality because it was the only thing holding me together. I hate this town, but even if I moved away, I wouldn’t have anywhere to go; anything to do. I tried to shut everything out; to live without thinking of anything. I wanted to wipe my mind clean. I wanted to forget what happened. Everything I did was wrong. Everything was a mistake. The fact that I met her, the fact that we fell in love, that we got married, the fact that we had a baby…It was all one big mistake I couldn’t take back.




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