Baccano! (2007)




Toma algunas historias de los Estados Unidos a principios de los años 30; una variedad de mafiosos, tramposos y otros villanos como personajes principales; muchas tramas y agítalo todo … Et voilá, ¡tienes a Baccano! Este es un anime basado en la novela ligera de Ryougo Narita, con ilustraciones de Katsumi Enami.
In 1711, with the help of a mysterious demon, some alchemists managed to obtain a potion that allowed them to live forever. But the alchemists begin to disappear one after the other and scatter around the world. It is not until the 1930s that they meet again in America in spectacular fashion. The ambitious Szilard Quates and his unemotional assistant Ennis search New York for the remaining bottles of the immortality potion. Many of the immortals have now become gangsters, members of the Mafia, FBI agents and gang bosses, and a terrible war breaks out on the city streets. These diverse characters must now learn the bitter price of immortality …
Im Jahre 1711 haben es einige Alchemisten geschafft, mithilfe eines mysteriösen Dämons an einen Trank zu gelangen, der ihnen das ewige Leben ermöglicht. Doch die Alchemisten beginnen nacheinander zu verschwinden und verstreuen sich auf der Welt. Erst in den 30er Jahren des vergangenen Jahrhunderts treffen sie in Amerika auf spektakulärer Weise wieder aufeinander. Der ambitionierte Szilard Quates und seine emotionslose Assistentin Ennis suchen in New York nach verbliebenen Flaschen des Unsterblichkeitstranks. Viele der Unsterblichen sind inzwischen zu Ganoven, Angehörigen der Mafia, FBI-Agenten und Gangsterbossen geworden und ein furchtbarer Krieg entbrennt auf den Straßen der Stadt. Diese unterschiedlichen Charaktere müssen nun den bitteren Preis der Unsterblichkeit kennenlernen …
Prenez une chronologie de l’Amérique du début des années 30, une multitude de mafieux, d’escrocs et autres méchants comme personnages principaux, presque autant de scénarios différents et secouez le tout… et voilà, vous obtenez Baccano ! Un anime basé sur le light novel de Ryougo Narita, avec Katsumi Enami en responsable des illustrations.
Prendete alcune linee temporali dell’America dei primi anni 30, una manciata di mafiosi, delinquenti e altri furfanti come personaggi principali, altrettante trame, scuotete il tutto energicamente et voilà, Baccano! Un anime basato su una light novel di Ryougo Narita con illustrazioni di Katsumi Enami.
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Imagénes (53 Screenshots)



  • Jacuzzi SPLOT

    The times when you want to cry are when you have to try your hardest. That’s why I decided I’ll cry in general. Then, when I have to shed tears for a time when I really want to cry, my tears would have run dry.

  • Isaac DIAN

    A train robbery is where you take a train to your destination, make your move, and take a train back, right?

  • Claire STANFIELD

    This world is mine. I think this world may even just be a long, long dream I’m watching. You guys may just be illusions, and it can’t be proven whether or not you really exist either. In other words, this world was created with me at the center. So what will happen if I die? I don’t know. My imagination isn’t very creative; I just can’t imagine myself dying. In other words, there is no way this world can completely disappear. But if I die, then everyone will disappear. I am the only one in this world who won’t disappear. The rest are just people I see as if in a dream.

  • Ladd RUSSO

    Thank you! Fuck you! The villain has arrived!

  • Ladd RUSSO

    Depending on your request, whether I will laugh or get angry, that will decide your lifespan, boy.




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