Woodpecker Detective's Office (2020)

Kitsutsuki Tanteidokoro / 啄木鳥探偵處


  • Anime: Woodpecker Detective's Office
    © 2020伊井圭・東京創元社/「啄木鳥探偵處」製作委員会
    • Japonés Kitsutsuki Tanteidokoro
      Tipo: TV, 12 (~)
      Estado: Completado
      Publicado: 13.04.2020 ‑ 29.06.2020
      Adaptado de: Novela
      Staff: Tomoe MAKINO (Dirección), Shuuichi HARA (Diseño de personajes), Monaca (Música)
      Página web: kimikoe.com
    • Inglés Woodpecker Detective's Office
      Estado: Completado
      Publicado: 13.04.2020 ‑ 29.06.2020
      Editorial: Crunchyroll
    • Español Woodpecker Detective's Office
      Estado: Completado
      Publicado: 13.04.2020 ‑ 29.06.2020
      Editorial: Crunchyroll


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In Japan, at the end of the Meiji period, the country is at the peak of Westernisation. The genius but financially struggling poet Takuboku Ishikawa decides to open a private detective agency in his house, calling it the Woodpecker Detective’s Office. Luckily, Takuboku is assigned to investigate a ghost that has been sighted on the 12th floor of the Asakusa Juunikai building rather quickly. Together with his assistant Kyousuke Kindaichi, Takuboku takes on all kinds of mysterious cases.
Japan befindet sich am Ende der Meiji-Periode vor dem Höhepunkt der Verwestlichung. Der geniale aber finanziell angeschlagene Dichter Takuboku Ishikawa entschließt sich, in seinem Haus ein privates Detektivbüro zu eröffnen, dem er den Namen Woodpecker Detective’s Office gibt. Und es gibt für Takuboku auch recht schnell Arbeit, denn unter anderem soll er untersuchen, was es mit einem Geist auf sich hat, der im 12. Stock des Asakusa-Juunikai-Gebäudes gesichtet wurde. Gemeinsam mit seinem Assistenten Kyousuke Kindaichi übernimmt Takuboku allerhand mysteriöse Fälle.
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Imagénes (28 Screenshots)



  • Takuboku ISHIKAWA

    The reason I write poetry is to give those tiny, faint sparkles around me form, because I want to capture them somehow. And in the center of those sparkles, was you, Kyosuke-san.

  • Takuboku ISHIKAWA

    If someone who composes and reads poems is a poet, then what a detective reads is a crime scene.

  • Takuboku ISHIKAWA

    It seems that those who set their sights on literary goals shouldn’t simply sit on their laurels and put on airs. They need to have a noble spirit, and at the same time they need to understand the desires of the flesh or they won’t be able to create real literature.

  • Takuboku ISHIKAWA

    Now that I think about it … detectives and poets might have a lot in common.




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