Las Quintillizas (2017)

Go-Toubun no Hanayome / 五等分の花嫁


  • Manga: Las Quintillizas
    © 2017 Negi Haruba, Kodansha Ltd.
    • Japonés Go-Toubun no Hanayome
      Go-Tōbun no Hanayome
      Tipo: Manga
      Estado: Completado
      Publicado: 09.08.2017 ‑ 19.02.2020
      Tomos / Capítulos: 14 / 122
      Editorial: Kodansha Ltd.
      Mangaka: Negi HARUBA Autor & Ilustrador
      Adaptado de: Obra única
    • Inglés The Quintessential Quintuplets
      Estado: Completado
      Publicado: 26.06.2018 ‑ 20.07.2021
      Tomos / Capítulos: 14 / 122
    • Español Las Quintillizas
      Estado: Completado
      Publicado: 18.12.2019 ‑ 09.02.2022
      Tomos / Capítulos: 14 / 122
    • Sinónimos: 5 Toubun no Hanayome, A Bride in Five Equal Parts, The Five Wedded Brides, The Five-Part Bride


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High-school student Fuutarou Uesugi may be an intelligent person, but his family does not have a lot of money. Thus, he tries to be a tutor and just so happens to find a position that pays astonishingly well. It soon turns out, however, that, even with all his smarts, it will not be an easy job for him. After all, his student is his new classmate Itsuki Nakano, and as if that weren’t bad enough already, he also has to teach her four sisters. Unfortunately, the five siblings are as chaotic as they come and have absolutely no desire to study, despite their horrendous test results. Fuutarou, however, needs that job and actually wants the sisters to succeed, so he must first win their trust.
Da der Oberschüler Fuutarou Uesugi arm, aber gleichzeitig intelligent ist, versucht er sich an einem Job als Nachhilfelehrer, der erstaunlich gut bezahlt wird. Bei den Schülern, die er unterrichten soll, handelt es sich ausgerechnet um seine neue Klassenkameradin, Itsuki Nakano, mit er einen etwas holprigen Start hatte, inklusive ihrer vier Schwestern: Ichika, Miku, Nino und Yotsuba. Die Fünflinge sind nicht nur ziemlich chaotisch und sehr eigensinnig, sie haben auch absolut keine Lust zu lernen – trotz ihrer miserablen Testergebnisse. Doch bevor sie sich zum Positiven ändern und ihre Noten endlich in den Griff bekommen, muss Fuutarou zuerst das Vertrauen jeder einzelnen der fünf Schwestern für sich gewinnen.
Testo della bandella:
La fortuna di Futaro, brillante liceale spiantato, sembra girare quando la famiglia Nakano lo assume come tutor per le sue cinque figlie: gemelle identiche, ma dalle personalità opposte, e tutte compagne di scuola del ragazzo! Futaro non sa che in futuro una di loro diventerà sua moglie! Quale sarà la sua destinata anima... gemella?!
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  • Fuutarou UESUGI

    I’m going to have all five of you graduate with smiles on your face!

  • Maeda

    Because you want them all for yourself.

  • Maeda

    Oi, Punk. Don’t fuckin’ act like you don’t know me. You ain’t getting away with saying you’ve forgotten me.

  • Yotsuba NAKANO

    Even you might find someone you love in the future, Uesugi-san. And when that happens, no matter who you love, no matter how you come to love them, I’ll always be on your side.. supporting you with everything I’ve got!




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