Moriarty el patriota (2016)

Yuukoku no Moriarty / 憂国のモリアーティ


  • Manga: Moriarty el patriota
    © 2016 Hikaru Miyoshi, Shuueisha Inc.
    • Japonés Yuukoku no Moriarty
      Yūkoku no Moriarty
      Tipo: Manga
      Estado: Corriente
      Publicado: 04.11.2016 ‑ ?
      Tomos / Capítulos: 19+ / 60+
      Editorial: Shuueisha Inc.
      Mangaka: Ryousuke TAKEUCHI Autor Hikaru MIYOSHI Ilustrador
      Adaptado de: Obra única
    • Inglés Moriarty the Patriot
      Estado: Corriente
      Publicado: 06.10.2020 ‑ ?
      Tomos / Capítulos: 15+ / 60+
      Editorial: VIZ Media, LLC
    • Español Moriarty el patriota
      Estado: Corriente
      Publicado: 24.08.2018 ‑ ?
      Tomos / Capítulos: 6+ / ?
      Editorial: Norma Editorial
    • Sinónimos: Moriarty’s Patriotism, Yukoku no Moriarty


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In the late 19th century, Great Britain rules over a quarter of the world. Nobles sit in their fancy homes in comfort and luxury, while the working class slaves away at their jobs. When young Albert James Moriarty’s upper-class family adopts two lower-class orphans, the cruelty the boys experience at his family’s hands cements Albert’s hatred of the nobility he was born into. He asks the older of the two boys—who has a genius mind and a killer instinct—to help him rid the world of evil, starting with Albert’s own family!
Der junge James Moriarty ist Professor für Mathematik im London der 1870er Jahre und mit den gesellschaftlichen Unterschieden dieser Zeit ganz und gar nicht zufrieden. Aus dieser Unzufriedenheit entsteht die Idee einer Bürgerwehr – eine Art private Armee zum Kampf gegen Diskriminierung, die allerdings nicht immer legale Mittel zum Erreichen ihrer Ziele einsetzt.
Testo della bandella:
Cosa sarebbe Sherlock Holmes senza James Moriarty? Le opere di Sir Arthur Conan Doyle reinterpretate attraverso gli occhi scarlatti del consulente del crimine. L’intrigante racconto di una vita di delitti iniziata nella Londra di fine XIX secolo e guidata da un ideale di giustizia al di là di ogni morale. Ecco a voi l’arcinemico di Sherlock Holmes!
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  • William James MORIARTY

    The system is not immediately alterable. However, there is something that we can begin to do right away. We can plunge London down into the depths of Hell, and turn it into a crime-filled city.

  • William James MORIARTY

    If one removes any trace of an incident happening, then it isn’t even recognised as being an incident.

  • William James MORIARTY

    Hell … has been deserted. All of its devils … are right here.

  • Sherlock HOLMES

    When you eliminate every other possibilty, then whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.

  • Albert James MORIARTY

    If we get rid of the bad people, this would be an ideal country. In the eyes of god, he has been taking the path of wrong to achieve a world that is right.




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