Karada de Kaiketsu: Hyakkiya Tantei Jimusho - Hyakkiya Hikari no Youkai Jikenbo (2021)

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Inglés Reviews – Karada de Kaiketsu: Hyakkiya Tantei Jimusho - Hyakkiya Hikari no Youkai Jikenbo

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Avatar: NoneNoOne#1
  • Story
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  • Audio
  • Eroticism
Hyakkiya is a detective who investigates paranormal disappearances. She has her friend a monster in the shape of a car. She is raped by all the monsters in human form while her boyfriend watches her, defeats her and then arrests her.

If you're not interested in a stupid and useless mc and you don't have a problem with genre rape, then I can recommend this hentai. It is one of the hentai that is not a masterpiece but is still good to "enjoy".

Genre: rape, tentacle, vibrator, blow job, gang bang, massage, monster (all are humanuid), ...

The story is repetitive. In the first few minutes we see the person being raped and then disappearing, then we are introduced to Hyakkiya in the same dialogue and animations, who then investigates the scene of the accident, then is raped by the same monster, then her boyfriend, perhaps the monster raped so that she can then arrest the monster.
You can see that as a negative thing, but honestly, it didn't bother me. The monsters are all different in abilities and appearance. The locations of the events and the “plot” also vary.

The animations are good and smooth. The art style is the same as Mousou Senka's other works.
You can see a bit of a lot of body fluids, but it's not so much that it's extremely exaggerated.
The female characters are usually small or childlike with large breasts (normal size for hentai and there are small exceptions, for example in the last ice ode). All in all, the visuals are pretty good.
All in all, the visuals are pretty good.

The characters are all stupid. Why does her boyfriend only ever help after a rape? Why is he raping back? Why are you hunting monsters when you can do absolutely nothing and have never had any success of your own? Why are you continuing the job? ...
But at least they have a personality. Her boyfriend wants to protect her, is friendly, helpful and a bit horny. She is naive, supposedly clever, friendly and just as helpful. The Mosnters are also different in terms of personality traits.

The music does its job and the sound effects are on point (it's also hard to mess that up). The voice acting is good, especially that of the female MC. I have nothing wrong with it except that the first monster sounded shabby in terms of voice (before she became a woman).

I'll quote myself: "It is one of the hentai that is not a masterpiece but is still good to "enjoy"." It's vanilla for a monster rape hentai, the audio and visuals are surprisingly good and the diverse "plot" covers some preferences. It is definitely recommended.
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Valor calculado2.98 = 60%Ranking#5744

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