The Disappearance of Nagato Yuki-Chan (2015)

Nagato Yuki-chan no Shoushitsu / 長門有希ちゃんの消失


  • Anime: The Disappearance of Nagato Yuki-Chan
    • Japonés Nagato Yuki-chan no Shoushitsu
      Nagato Yuki-chan no Shōshitsu
      Tipo: TV, 16 (~)
      Estado: Completado
      Publicado: 04.04.2015 ‑ 18.07.2015
      Adaptado de: Manga
      Staff: Nagaru TANIGAWA (Versión original), Jun’ichi WADA (Dirección), Ikuko ITOU (Diseño de personajes), Tatsuya KATOU (Música)
      Página web:
    • Inglés The Disappearance of Nagato Yuki-Chan
      Estado: Completado
      Publicado: 06.04.2015 ‑ 17.07.2015
    • Español The Disappearance of Nagato Yuki-Chan
      Estado: Completado
      Publicado: ?
      Editorial: Funimation LATAM
    • Sinónimos: Das Verschwinden der Nagato Yuki-chan, The Vanishing of Nagato Yuki-chan


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Taking place in the alternate reality of the world Nagato created, everyone finds themselves in different situations. Yuki Nagato, who is not an alien but a cute, shy bookworm is desperate to keep the Literature Club alive. With the help of her best friend Ryoko Asukura, who is no longer a psychotic killer and Kyon, a very sarcastic guy who is still very sarcastic whether he’s in the old world or the new one, do all they can to help Yuki. Later on in the story, Yuki meets Mikuru Asahina, a cute moe blob and Tsurya-san who is Mikuru’s best friend, along with Haruhi Suzumiya who is an eccentric girl with an interest in aliens, time travelers, and espers, and Itsuki Koizumi, a "mysterious" transfer student who attends the same school as Haruhi. The seven not only hang out together, but do all they can to help Yuki have hope and also help her blossom in personality.
Source: ANN
Yuki Nagato, die schüchterne Präsidentin des Literaturclubs, war noch nie wirklich sicher im Umgang mit anderen Menschen. Aber gegenüber Kyon, dem einzigen Jungen in dem kleinen 3-Mann-Club, ist sie noch zögernder und schüchterner als gegenüber jedem anderen. Nicht nur für den ihr kostbaren Literaturclub, sondern auch für Kyon muss sie lernen, ihre wahre Persönlichkeit zu zeigen und aus ihrem riesigen Schneckenhaus herauszukommen.

Das Verschwinden der Yuki Nagato gewährt einen ganz neuen Blick auf Eure Lieblingscharaktere aus der Welt von Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuuutsu.
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Imagénes (60 Screenshots)



  • Yuki NAGATO

    Problems that cannot be solved do not exist in this world.

  • Haruhi SUZUMIYA

    The key in turning people on is a girl with a lolita face and big breasts.

  • Haruhi SUZUMIYA

    Celebrating Mr. Jesus’s birthday (Christmas) was fun, why don’t we celebrate Buddha’s and Muhammad’s birthday next time?

  • Haruhi SUZUMIYA

    Have you ever realized how insignificant your existence is on the planet?

  • Haruhi SUZUMIYA

    I’m Haruhi Suzumiya, from East Junior High. First off, I’m not interested in ordinary people. But, if any of you are aliens, time-travelers, or espers, please come see me. That is all!




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