Eden of the East the Movie II: Paradise Lost (2010)

Higashi no Eden Gekijouban II: Paradise Lost / 東のエデン 劇場版II Paradise Lost



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Accused of terrorism and feeling the heat, Saki’s high-tech crew is in the crosshairs. Meanwhile, the shroud of mystery covering Takizawa is lifted as he and his fellow Selecao make their final moves. Every game must come to an end. For those playing Mr. Outside’s twisted game of conspiracy thrills, the end comes now.
Eine Geschichte über politische Intrigen, die mit diesem Film sein Ende findet. Saki und ihre Mitstreiter der »Eden of the East« werden wegen angeblichem Terrorismus verfolgt und während man mehr über die mysteriöse Person Mr.Outside erfährt, versuchen sich die noch verbliebenen Selecao gegenseitig zu überlisten. Akiras Erinnerungen kehren wieder, wodurch man dessen Identität und seine Verbindung zu einem ehemaligen Ministerpräsidenten kennenlernt. Außerdem wird gezeigt, was aus seinem Wunsch, König von Eden zu werden, geworden ist.
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  • Akira TAKIZAWA

    People are funny. Even a five-year-old knows how to spend money, but there’s plenty of adults who don’t know how to earn it. They feel better handing over money than bowing their head and taking it. They go on and on about how the customer’s always right, always the winner but isn’t that supposed to be how the seller feels, not them? But if everyone’s spending, who’s left to provide the service? I think a society where people prefer earning to spending is a healthier one.

  • Saki MORIMI

    Could it be that you’re my prince?

  • Saki MORIMI

    Most people are irresponsible, changing their opinions easily based on unconfirmed information or convenient rumors.




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