Tsubasa: Spring Thunder Chronicle (2009)

Tsubasa Shunrai-ki / ツバサ 春雷記


  • Anime: Tsubasa: Spring Thunder Chronicle
    • Japonés Tsubasa Shunrai-ki
      ツバサ 春雷記
      Tipo: OVA, 2 (~)
      Estado: Completado
      Publicado: 17.03.2009 ‑ 15.05.2009
      Adaptado de: Manga
      Staff: CLAMP (Versión original), Shunsuke TADA (Dirección), Youko KIKUCHI (Diseño de personajes), Yuki KAJIURA (Música)
      Página web: kc.kodansha.co.jp
    • Inglés Tsubasa: Spring Thunder Chronicle
      Estado: Completado
      Publicado: 04.01.2011
    • Francés Tsubasa Chronicle : Shunraiki - Chronique de Tonnerres de Printemps
      Estado: Completado
      Publicado: 02.11.2011
      Editorial: Kazé France
    • Sinónimos: Tsubasa Chronicle: Spring Thunder, Tsubasa Shunraiki


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The group tries to find a way out of a world trying to keep them there. They managed to get away, but not without a few sacrifices. They end up in Kurogane’s home world. Sakura-hime is trapped in the dream world. When Real Syaoran goes to save her Clone Syaoran appears.
Source: ANN
Nachdem sie König Ashura in der Welt von Celes besiegt haben, opfert Kurogane seinen eigenen Arm, um zusammen mit Fai einen Ausweg aus diesem Reich finden zu können. Die Gruppe landet daraufhin in Kuroganes Heimatwelt. Allerdings ist Sakura in einer Traumwelt gefangen, in der sie Watanuki begegnet. Als der echte Syaoran versucht, sie aus dieser Lage zu befreien, trifft er auf seinen eigenen Doppelgänger, und die hilflose Sakura wird von Dr. Kyle mitgenommen. Kann sie noch gerettet werden?
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    Can’t whistle so i just say the words wheet-whoo.

  • Yuuko ICHIHARA

    Mysterious things are everywhere. So bizarre as often as you can hear of them. Without witness, with sight unseen, without a care it is simply a phenomenon. Merely not of concern. In this world, mankind itself has its own fantastic wonders.

  • Yuuko ICHIHARA

    Living things are restrained by Chains: The laws of nature, the flow of time, the vessel known as your “body”, and the existence called your mind. The one chain that people can wield : “WORDS.”

  • Yuuko ICHIHARA

    There are many unusual things in this world. Everyday events occur that cannot be explained. Bizarre phenomena that often go unnoticed because people close their eyes to what they don’t understand. But the truth of the matter is, there are many unusual things in this world. And people … People are the most mysterious of them all.

  • Yuuko ICHIHARA

    Instead of regretting what we cannot do, it is better to do what one can. Even for example, what you do has nothing to do with results, you must forge forward.




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