Los pecados de Casshern (2008)

Casshern Sins / キャシャーン SINS



La historia nos habla de Tetsuya Azuma, conocido como Casshern, mitad hombre y mitad robot, que se hace a sí mismo como cyborg para dar caza a todos los robots que están destruyendo el mundo. El doctor Azuma es el inventor de esos robots, creados en un principio para servir a la humanidad pero éstos hacen todo lo contrario y, por ello, se ve con la responsabilidad de eliminarlos. Casshern no está solo, tiene a un fiel amigo a su lado, un ciber perro y una chica llamada Luna para combatir al ejército de robots y a su jefe, el Rey Negro. Remake de una de las series anime clave de la historia japonesa, Shinzo Ningen Casshan, creada en 1973 y que derivó en una película con actores reales estrenada en 2004.
Casshern, a cybernetic assassin with no memory of his past, awakens in a corrosive wasteland where nothing survives for long. A plague known as the Ruin sweeps across this once-vibrant world, reducing everything in its path to rubble and scattering any chance for salvation. Robots and humans alike - or what little remains of them - seek vengeance against Casshern for the life he took and the role he played in their Ruin. A machine built to kill, Casshern murdered the last hope for this world, but now, lost in a future he does not recognize, he will fight to save the dying.
Die Welt wird regiert vom mächtigen Anführer der Roboter, Braiking Boss, nachdem die Menschheit von Robotern besiegt wurde. Jene beten ein mysteriöses Mädchen namens Luna an, die die Menschheit von der Geisel der Roboter befreien soll. Dies ruft Braiking auf den Plan, drei seiner fähigsten Cyborgs auszusenden, die Gefahr im Keim zu ersticken. Casshern, einem der drei Cyborgs, gelingt es Luna auszuschalten, was die fortschreitende Vernichtung der gesamten Welt auslöst.

Jahrzehnte später, während die Menschheit kurz vor ihrer völligen Vernichtung steht, erscheint Casshern erneut. Jedoch erinnert er sich weder an die damaligen Vorfälle, noch weiß er, wer er ist. Auf der Suche nach seiner wahren Identität kämpft er sich durch eine trostlose Welt, die sich gegen ihn verschworen hat.
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Imagénes (42 Screenshots)



  • Casshern

    What people seek when the depths of despair and death are upon them may be the silhouettes of the ones they love.

  • Casshern

    If you’ve forgotten death..then you’ve forgotten what it truly means to be alive.

  • Casshern

    No I won’t kill you, there are still individuals who seek you out in search of life, it is your duty to help them, if survival is what they want then it is better they have it, I cannot deny them that. However if you or ANYONE forgets the face of death….then I will return.

  • Casshern

    Even though there is life no one here is living it. Life is overflowing from you and these people are merely drinking their fill, but Dio and all the people I’ve met on my journey aren’t like that…they’re..they’re more…they were blazing with fire…they were torches burning with life.

  • Leda

    If we were all the same, it would be pointless. For one to be beautiful, there must be those who make them stand out. If you’re not coveted and envied, how will you feel the value of beauty? And with value, the one who grants it stands out.




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