Classroom of the Elite (2017)

Youkoso Jitsuryoku Shijou Shugi no Kyoushitsu e / ようこそ実力至上主義の教室へ



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Koudo Ikusei Senior High School is a state-of-the-art and prestigious high school. The students there enjoy great freedom; they are allowed to dress as they wish and bring any personal belongings to school. But even though this place seems like a paradise, there is a dark side because these amenities are only granted to exemplary students.
Kiyotaka Ayanokouji, a rather reserved student of the D class, which consists of all the “bad” students, actually just wants to go to school without drawing much attention to himself. However, when he meets the bold Suzune Horikita and the fun-loving Kikyou Kushida, his situation begins to change, and more or less involuntarily, he helps them to achieve their own goals.
Die Fördernde weiterführende Schule der Stadt Tokio ist eine hochmoderne und angesehene Oberschule. Die Schüler dort genießen große Freiheiten; so dürfen sie sich nach Wunsch kleiden und jegliche persönliche Gegenstände mit zur Schule bringen. Doch auch wenn dieser Ort wie ein Paradies erscheint, gibt es eine Schattenseite, denn diese Annehmlichkeiten werden nur den vorbildlichen Schülern zuteil.

Kiyotaka Ayanokouji, ein eher zurückhaltender Schüler der D-Klasse, die aus sämtlichen »schlechten« Schülern besteht, will eigentlich nur, ohne großartig auf sich aufmerksam zu machen, die Schulbank drücken. Als er jedoch die kühne Suzune Horikita und die lebensfrohe Kikyou Kushida kennenlernt, beginnt sich seine Situation zu wandeln und mehr oder weniger unfreiwillig hilft er ihnen, ihre eigenen Ziele zu erreichen.
La Koudo Ikusei Senior Highschool è una rinomata, modernissima scuola superiore. Gli studenti godono di molte libertà, si possono vestire come vogliono, ad esempio, e portare con se ogni oggetto personale che vogliono. Ma anche se questo luogo sembra un paradiso, c’è il rovescio della medaglia, questi privilegi vengono dati solo agli studenti modello.
Kiyotaka Ayanokouji, uno studente piuttosto riservato della classe D, costituita da più o meno tutti gli studenti «meno bravi», vuole solamente completare la scuola senza essere notato. Quando però impara a conoscere l’audace Suzune Horikita e l’allegra Kikyou Kushida, la sua situazione inizia a cambiare e, volente o dolente, le aiuta a raggiungere loro obiettivi.
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  • Kiyotaka AYANOKOUJI

    I’ve never once thought of you as an ally. Not you. Not Kushida. Not Hirata. All people are nothing but tools. It doesn’t matter how its done. It doesn’t matter what needs to be sacrificed. In this world, winning is everything. As long as I win in the end…That’s all that matters.

  • Kiyotaka AYANOKOUJI

    Coincidence can be freaky.




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