Durarara!! ×2 The Second Arc (2015)

Durarara!!×2 Ten / デュラララ!!×2 転


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    en In my hometown, the sky seemed endless . . . but there was nothing to see.

  • Izaya ORIHARA
    Izaya ORIHARA

    en I don’t believe in god. There’s no proof he exists. In a world where there isn’t even proof of the future, the past exists. Even if it’s tainted with misunderstandings and delusions, if the people themselves believe in it, the past is the truth to them. And, if you base your actions or your life around it, in a way, it’s a type of god itself.

  • Izaya ORIHARA
    Izaya ORIHARA

    en I love humans, but that doesn’t mean I like you personally.

  • Shizuo HEIWAJIMA
    Shizuo HEIWAJIMA

    en You just went for my head didn’t you? You know that you could kill someone by hitting a vital spot on their head, right? If you know this, then you were trying to kill me, right? So you shouldn’t have complaints no matter what I do to you, right?!

  • Shizuo HEIWAJIMA
    Shizuo HEIWAJIMA

    en What is life? Why do people live? Someone asked me that, and then I beat him within an inch of his life.


    en The world isn’t as cruel as you take it to be.


    en Don’t thank me, hate me. I turned you into a murderer, hate me.

  • Seiji YAGIRI
    Seiji YAGIRI

    en If you really do love her, don’t look away, no matter what happens. No matter what you see, no matter what you learn about her, don’t look away. Once you got her in your embrace, don’t let go. Once you decide you love someone, that’s your responsibility.

  • Erika KARISAWA
    Erika KARISAWA

    en Reality is such pain. And for those of us who get fed up with that kind of reality, we simply choose to make a new one. We create little walls, and separate the trash from the stuff we like, and when that’s all done we keep the things we care about and kick the rest to the curb. You’d be amazed how well it works! A whole world made out of just moe, tsundere, and BL it’s the best discovery ever! If you ask me that really it the best way to separate reality, from fiction.

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